Gary "Squib" Furlong Age 14
Strenght: killer
serve Weakness: Fitness Favourite Player: Anna Kournikova(duh!) Hobbies:Video games, Westerns Backup career:
This wise-craking prankster is one of the most popular students on campus, partly because of his razor-sharp
wit and partly because of his sense of fun.
A true coaster, he's often accused of being too laid-back. Still, he's
a skilled player-some say he could be the best, if he'd just take it seriously. |
Sebastien Dube Age:15
Strength: Backhand,
footwork, vision Weakness:focus Favourite player: Yannick Noah Hobbies:Mechanics, reading Backup Career: Auto
Sebastien Dub's one suave dude. Known as "The French Prince", this international student charms the gang
with his euro-sophistication and noble ways. Only, Sebastien isn't a rich kid. In fact, his dad had to sell their house just
to pay Sebastien's tuition and living expenses at Cascadia. |


Cody Myers Age 15
is the only non-tennis obsessed student at Cascadia. She's actually never picked up a racket. But her dad happens to work
there so she must attend now that he has custody. One thing she does love is snapping pictures. She tells the instructors
the photos are for the yearbook, but really she's capturing the dark and ridiculous side of the school.
Megan O'Connor Age:15
Strenght: Drive,
fitness Weakness: Footwork, speed, overall vision Favourite player: Serena Williams Hobbies: Cards Backup
Career: Doctor
Megan is a type-A keener who loves self-help manuals and cheesy inspirational slogans. She is by far
the most driven student at Cascadia, but definitly not the most talented. Obsessed with becoming Canada's first female tennis
superstar, Megan trains rigorously, never strays from her diet, and is the first one up everyday and yet she always falls
short of the mark.
Adena Stiles Age: 14
Strenths: Forehand,
Vision Weakness: Endurance Favorite Player: Anna Kournikova Hobbies: Fashion Backup Career: Professional Model
Adena wasn't naturally drawn to tennis, but once she saw those outfits she never turned back. Adena sees tennis as
a means to accessorize. Her tennis racket may be top of the line, but if it clashes with her eyes - out the window.
may not be the brightest, but she tends exaggerate her ditzyness. To make matters worse, she's a discipline nightmare. But
when it comes to having fun Adena's the first on in.
