Episode 1: Studentia Jockulus
Pilot. The boys and girls of Cascadia go against each other in a huge competition vying for the best dorms.
Episode 2: The Princess and the Clown
Sunny's endorsement deal is screwed up unless the gang can help her.
Episode 3: The French Deception
Sebastian struggles for a ticket to a HUGE tennis fundraiser with Cody and Sunny both helping him. Sunny is helping him
a little worse mind you.
Episode 4: Midnight Snack Club (ALL TIME FAV SO FAR)
Gang gets locked in a gym. End up talking all night about each others lives and such.
Episode 5: Reckoning
A new guy comes in named Justin Powers and tempts Meg. Adenas dad shows his ugly face.
Episode 6: Memphre Blues
Squib and cody get stuck on the lake thanks to squibs ingenious idea of making cash of a unknown Sasquach like monster.
Episode 7: Scourge of Frankenrival
Meg and Adena battle a created nemesis first intending to beat sunny. Turns against them. Squib works hard to have his
english project work.